Retained to redesign their website to bring it to the forefront of the healthcare industry. Telemedicine represents a new and innovative solution to the skyrocketing costs and MDLive needed a web design that portrayed their position.
Our team performed an extensive exploration into the needs of all of the potential constituents as well as the touch points for engagement. We also explored competitors and best-in-industry websites. The main page featured parallax scrolling, to engage site visitors through a highly interactive experience.
Since the features and benefits of telehealth and telemedicine services are relatively unknown; our goal was to find creative ways to use interactivity to tell the story behind this revolutionary new technology – online and on-demand healthcare delivery services for patients, hospitals, employers, payers, physician practice groups and accountable care organizations.
The new website featured a clean layout with strong visuals to aid the storytelling. With the redesign in place, MDLive was able to negotiate a growing number of strategic partnerships with leading healthcare organizations.
Pacificare – PacifiCare’s goal was to take their bulky print materials and convert them to a friendly, interactive format. We designed an easy-to-navigate interface and then incorporated our DynamicCD technology to keep all of the content current, which resulted in a tremendous ROI – a savings of more than $1 million in the first six months of the program.